Mind Games..
What plays with your mind when you're out for a walk..
Today, for me it’s.. Eight Letters, Three Vowels, Five Consonants, and Three Syllables..
Pow-er-ful Tal-is-man
Spir-it-ed Rem-in-der
Ec-lec-tic Mel-o-dist
Pac-if-ist Hin-du-ism
Def-in-ing Cour-tes-y
Art-is-tic En-han-cer
Rip-en-ing Gard-en-er
Cred-ib-le Bot-an-ist
Per-son-al Per-fum-er
Ad-mir-ing Sor-cer-er
Ro-man-tic Ob-ser-ver
Heav-en-ly Hol-o-gram
Ev-olv-ing Fes-tiv-al
Co-los-sal Mo-men-tum
En-tic-ing Op-tim-ist
His-tor-ic Bul-let-in
Jub-il-ant Graf-fi-ti
Ver-ti-cal Al-pin-ist
All-ur-ing At-lan-tis
Maj-es-tic Syc-a-more
Em-erg-ing Bach-e-lor
Un-spo-ken Vo-cal-ist
Feath-er-y Con-fet-ti
Kiss-a-ble ***-**-***